Friday, April 27, 2012

My guts are ugly :(

Working on my horror story for class, which has been kinda hard for me to write given how much of myself I am putting into it. Below is a conversation between me and my writing partner/editor extraordinaire.

Lee: I still reserve the right to stop if it makes me puke

Me: gonna make me cry

Lee: LOL

Lee: it's SUPPOSED to be sick

Lee: I am just soooooo not your intended audience

Me: am baring my guts here! LOL

Lee: yes I know!

Me: and my guts are gonna make you puke

Lee: goes to show you that I would not have survived your childhood

Me: I barely did LOL

Me: I'd never puke on your guts

Lee: my guts are much nicer and less traumatized than yours

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